Friday, September 13, 2013

Set goals to learn don't jump it

Set realistic goals for yourself: 

1) I devote at least 30min a day, 5-6 days a week, Working on the list of actions for the day program. Any more than that, and it becomes overwhelming. When I talk list .. I'm meaning my Blogs posts, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest  and youtube sites .. Do those everyday ..

2) Set smaller goals to start with, You'll be amazed and inspired after         you accomplish them.        

3) Have fun with your busines...browsing through TripleClicks is like         a treasure hunt!. 

4) MOST IMPORTANT: Don't give up!!! I see obstacles as merely                 speedbumps, not brick walls.

Remember Also that our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, Good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force."   Don't ever let someone kick you down and  say it will never work.. Negative people are your kryptonite.. Stick with it ..Read books on what your needing to learn .. If you don't understand something , Type it in your computer if there's not a glossary to find it out. Don't let some scamming ass guru take your money then turn around an throw peanuts at you... Cause them guru's will take you if they can and laugh all the way to his bank with your money.. I have had it happen.. $1,800 for only a half assed Idea of what I needed for Affiliate marketing.

I didn't know ... Heck, I was fresh meat , New to the whole thing... I  Needed money ASAP, I Lost my good paying job because of a downsize.. I thought Affiliate marketing was push button easy like office maxes little EASY button commercial..  Yeah.. I still need help from  time to time my friends who have been doing this for 7+ years with this program give me what I need if I ask then an need to pick their brains ..  Keep your head up an rock on.. Find out what's going on plus Get a handle on your learning about your weak point .. Things you don't know. Take care and have a kickass weekend too.
  Thanks for reading and your interest,
 Shane McIVER...

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