Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quote of the day

Quote of the Day

"Build your people and you will build your business. People will want your approval first and your advice second. Do both. A that order and you will find that they will like you and willingly follow your suggestions." Build a team of people that can follow instructions well an start a commision based online business. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Affiliate marketing worries

How do I write those awesome headlines that will draw attention? What marketing tactics should I focus on to achieve the best results?
Then the killer doubt.
Why would anyone want to hear what “I” have to say?
So you push past the fears and you hit the publish button. You tweet and share it with your 500 best friends on Facebook. You have started.
Six months into your blogging journey more nagging fears arise. Yes, I have a few readers. People are starting to leave comments and I am attracting some attention.
But world domination is felt to be more a fantasy than reality.

Persistence is key

This is maybe what you don’t want to hear. You need to persist. Success is almost never overnight but a journey of a thousand steps.
It is a matter of keeping the faith in yourself.  Friends and family can be your worst enemies. Passion, purpose and belief need to come from within.
Press on.

My secret sauce recipe

So what’s worked for me?
What has sustained me and kept me ahead of the blogging curve can be summed up with three words, reading, writing and doing. Mundane but necessary.
  1. Read as much as you can offline and online. Blogs, news and books. Watch TED talks.
  2. Writing drives discovery and research so it accelerates the learning process. The art of expression facilitates in structuring and making sense of the incoming information.
  3. Doing is where the rubber hits the road. My blog is my social media, marketing and digital laboratory. Helping other brands both corporate and personal keeps also keeps me real and connected.

A trait to be treasured

But there is one small human trait that is sometimes overlooked.
Will that headline work? How do I grow my Twitter followers? How do I make this blog rock?
Stay curious.

Learn more for free .. Seriously not a dime or obligation .. All you gotta do is read and learn my friends at

Friday, September 20, 2013

Selling tips and Ideas

Sales Ideas dogging you?????

The best tip I can give to anyone Trying to sell

In the affiliate marketing seen is to never doubt yourself or members in your group & don't give up ever.. Yes.. Your thoughts or your team members Idea's may seem crazy or way the heck out into the left field .. But remember this.. The best ads and Ideas are them crazy or far outside the box brainstorms,  Why you may ask.. Simple Cause those are the ones nobody else has the guts to try out. 

Remember to input odd facts in your advertisements .. Here is an example.. Lets say you're selling shoes.. Yes you're battling with the big boys on that one.. No worry's .. Check this out.. 

Think how your competitors products could be stored . In a hot non climate controlled warehouse.. That makes fungus cracks the soles man made materials can decompose or fade.. Heck who knows.. The shoes could be laying in some guys truck bed for months or in some storage rental getting ate up by rats.. no one wants to spend hard earned money on that???. 
Use that an put the positive note's in your ad telling your soon to be buyers your products are kept in your home out of the climate in the box kept in a well vented room and checked an rotated. Yeah they may go to the other guys site.. But they will remember what you put an will soon take notice to the non attention to detail the other guy has in his ads and lack of information they have also.. Then they will come back.. 

Let them know how new your Item is... here's another example---> If you're a woman reading this.. Do you want to by lipgloss or lipstick thats outdated an goopy or glopped up when you get it.. 

See what I'm saying.. Go the extra mile to detail your buyer or what I call my buyers.. Come back Converter's. one other thing really quick before I duck out..

If you team up an partner with other Affiliates to brain storm a product or put together a product to promote together thats a real learning gift.. No need to be greedy about it.. Look around there are millions of people buying an selling online plenty of money for everyone.. Take the different approach That's the best I can give U for now.. Till next time around .. 

 If by chance you're curious about becoming an Affiliate Like i did an doing it without spending money plus getting even more selling tips an Ideas.. I invite you to where it started for me at  As always thank for reading my blog also.

Shane McIVER 247 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Some guru's Are cool.. But I don't think I could really trust them till I've seen the truth 1st.. Do you blame me.. Read this...

Thanks for the e-mail Craig Adam I'm not trying to doubt what you're doing.. I
just seen gurus take money an flip it to make an even better scam with it..
Man I was got for 1800.00 ever since I found SFI an found out it was free
an you learn at your own pace .. Sell Items like you would on Ebay with
lower fees if not any..

 I just been trying to save others from getting ripped off brother thats all..  I don't like flashy gimmicks.. They scare me..Cause that's how I lost my hard earned money.. Shoot man.. That money I got scammed on was  Everything I had saved up.. That guy who did it even called me told me a bunch of crap to sugar coat it all up too.

 I was lost dumbfounded and had to go back to what I hated..
 No one gives anyone a break on what they know about getting a real income online.. I wish I had a mentor to help me out that was truthful..  So if I can't find one for myself
.. I figured .. I'm going to learn this Affiliate marketing get real good
money rolling in and take a few people with me and give them the true real
views an help they need that no one wanted to give me.. Without charging a
dime.. I still struggle Craig, But I know if I look for the answers from real people at SFI.

 I can find it. Interact with me anytime.. I consider you a friend in my journey.
Your normal Affiliate that gives real info.. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Advertising Tips

Advertising  Tips

Not Really.. But if you think about it, Your business is the bunny on the tracks!!!

Advertising is most often the most daunting part of any business. You know you have a great product, But you are not sure how to present it to people in an acceptable or more importantly exciting manner. 
Personally, I'm a bit of a novice myself. Still, I would like to share whatever little knowledge I have. 

The most important part of advertising is to figure out, who do you want to talk to. This will decide everything about your advertising. Right from the colors to the language will be based upon your target audience. For example, if you are marketing Tripleclicks to housewives and small business owners, your approach will obviously be poles apart. 

Any successful marketing/advertising campaign will always address the needs of its audience. We only buy into things that we need (Or we are made to believe that we need them). So once, you have identified your target audience, try to understand, what are the things that they could be looking for in the kind of product/service that you are selling. 

Since, you now understand their needs, you can figure out, how your product or service satisfies those needs. Highlight those aspects of your product/service. These are going to form the key element of your advertising. 
We often don't realize what we are actually looking for till the time that someone points it out to us and makes us take note. You need to be that someone for your target audience. Since you've spent time figuring out their needs, chances are that when you point out those needs, most people will agree. And once you've made them realize their needs, they will be more open to listening to your solution. This leads us to the sales pitch. 

Advertising, at the end of the day is about selling something. And how u sell it is extremely important. The sales pitch has to be all about them. What do they get out of your product/service. How they benefit from it. And towards the end, how you can help them with buying it. Your audience should believe that they are buying your product/service because they are smart enough to see the benefits. They have to feel that it is their decision. 
If it is an online or print advertising campaign, then this sales pitch will be your copy for the ad. 

Once the decision is made by the client, Help them with the processing of the order. If you cannot guide them yourself,  make sure that the instructions are clearly stated. 
This is one of the most important and most ignored part of any advertising. Don't just leave those people after the sale is made. If its a product, Confirm with them if they received it in time and if they are satisfied with it. In case of a service, Check if they need help with understanding how to use that service. Besides just making a sale with your customer a follow up E-mail with another offer or offers just might get you some return business also.. So its Always good to follow up on them.

Once you have worked on the above concepts, The rest of it becomes pretty easy. Then all you need to do is find platforms to put up your advertisements. Here again try to think a little out of the box. Try to think of the things your target audience could be interested in. For example, if you are trying to target housewives, a search for "shopping" on google will probably be better than searching for "online business". Go to these websites and see how you can place your ads with them. Also don't forget you can always set up blogs to describe your product or item..  Like Blogger, Squidoo or blog
Why pay someone to learn to be an Affiliate ? When you can read get support and do it for free. save your money and see what I did >>
Thanks for reading my info....
Shane McIVER------ mciver247marketing

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dangerous Rushing

 Take your time .. Don't RUSH though your work.

Don't try to do more than 2 offers at once. 

    That could be very confusing starting out, Plus cause some people to go into information overload or have a blank thousand mile stare .  

        Be diligent, Coming back to your affiliate page checking for new text ads or banner ads or links and offers to your promotions outlets everyday, Do your reading up on your competitors .. 

Sometimes getting a look at  these sites can give you better Ideas an brainstorming ..  Do your to-do's list for every day .. Like post  on your blog ,Study for a better edge and Look for pics an things to catch your potential customers attention..

 Enter Some contests, Like the best blogs or top seller an such   Remember you don't really need a website or            domain of your own ... But it helps .. I don't have one cause i'm studying every detail before I spend the money.. Just     be smart with your money.. Don't just go out and buy a domain name an hosting and the autoresponder system all       at once..

 Look around you can find killer deals.. Some companies offer all this in one monthly package for as low as $80.00 a month.. Yes I'm working on something for this and as soon as I can test it out.. I'll give it my review..  You can be sure if it's good I'll suggest it to my readers..

 Eventually your list and studying up on things for affiliating will become second nature, Then you will continue to increase your involvement as you understand what's the method of your affiliate madness by following your  program schedule day after day.  keep at it  cause it will pay off.. It takes a lil but it will be worth it in the long run.  

You will not only build a better foundation this way but you WILL see progress. 

Most important : Remember to keep it FUN! Believe in the system! Believe in you! Remember your dreams! Remember your WHY! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

. Make sure you believe what you say .... 

Always get your details right. No misleading, No unnecessary fluff.
 Just tell them as it is and what they can expect through quality management of work and time. Honesty will give you workers. Don't be afraid to contact them when deemed necessary.

Fear is weakness and a Leader should be anything but.Your conviction and your passion should be your guide. Treat them as family and always lead by example. Be persistent, bold, encourage them and always do more for them than what they expect. You will reap the fruit of your efforts very soon. 

Let them learn from you, Cause when your stuck in the mud.. Your friend that you helped can be your most at the least time expected.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Set goals to learn don't jump it

Set realistic goals for yourself: 

1) I devote at least 30min a day, 5-6 days a week, Working on the list of actions for the day program. Any more than that, and it becomes overwhelming. When I talk list .. I'm meaning my Blogs posts, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest  and youtube sites .. Do those everyday ..

2) Set smaller goals to start with, You'll be amazed and inspired after         you accomplish them.        

3) Have fun with your busines...browsing through TripleClicks is like         a treasure hunt!. 

4) MOST IMPORTANT: Don't give up!!! I see obstacles as merely                 speedbumps, not brick walls.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lead by example

 First and foremost,

 If you are asking your team to do something make sure you have done it first. Real experience cannot be faked. 
Communicate with them. 

Get to know your downline. People are much more likely to trust and follow someone they know. 

Reward them for their efforts. Even if it's just a simple stream post "good job". Make sure they know when they have done something right. 
Always be completely honest with your team.

Do not sugar coat anything. Give from your experience only and they will sense the sincerity and respond to it positively. 

Lastly believe in yourself and your team. Take time out of the day to envision your entire downline being the most successful SFI team ever.

 Imagine what life would be like for them and for you. Sounds silly but it works. It really does. 
Good Luck!!!! 

 Show them what they need to do if you need to.. Your success is as good as your instructions.   Don't just give a hungry person a fish.. Teach them  how to fish an you and that person will never starve.... 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I will advise you to join SFI for the reasons below: 

1. SFI generates a residual income income either on full time or part time or a second income to active members.
2. It is absolutely free to join.
3. It has longevity or perpetual existence.
4. Full training is provided with 24 hour support at no cost.
5. It s operation is extended globally thus open to people all over the world.
6. With the use the S-Builder, affiliates who have little or no time or who finds it difficult to recruit can build their team.
7. Already-made advertising materials such as banners, text adds etc. is available for use.
8. Various payments options are available to affiliates all over the world most importantly the use of local pay.
9. Various methods of receiving payments are available which enables affiliates easy access to their commissions especially the use of the Payoneer MasterCard. 

10. TripleClicks features about 98000 products which affiliates can shop from and even get rewarded for every purchases made 
Why pay someone to learn to be an Affiliate ? When you can read get support and do it for free. save your money and see what I did >>

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

 Have faith and hope that your efforts will be rewarded.

I decided that my marketing business won't fail. It has to succeed because that is the only outcome I will accept. That gives me the fortitude to weather problems and find ways around obstacles that would have otherwise defeated me several times over the last few years.

 I now earn more than I did in my first two years, It continues to grow. There are occasional downturns and some really horrible months now and then, but overall, the trend is upward and if U fall remember to fall forward.. Meaning Use your mistakes as a lesson.. Find out why an what made everything go that direction it took.

Most importantly: Act on your dream, and pass your enthusiasm on to others! 

You want to learn more?  -----> <a href=""> Free Affiliate training at your own pace </a>

Thanks for reading my post an have a wonderful workday...

Shane McIVER.